Indian J-Gastro

Healthy diet – a daily diet that fully meets the physiological needs of people in energy and nutrients, consisting of foods that meet the principles of safety and characterized by optimal quality indicators, creating the conditions for normal growth, physical and intellectual development and life, contributing to the promotion of health and disease prevention.

healthy diet

A healthy diet is one that promotes growth, optimal development, and full functioning, promotes health, and prevents non-communicable diseases (NCDs) including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

The right diet is one of the main conditions for beauty, health and longevity. In combination with sports it is able to comprehensively transform the human body and its appearance.

You should eat a balanced and varied diet. The diet should consist of a variety of foods so that the body gets all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs. The daily menu should include proteins, complex carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, fiber, water and healthy sugars, which are necessary for the full functioning of the brain.


Eating is just as important as the composition of the diet. The body needs energy throughout the day, and it is better to supply it regularly, at regular intervals. Otherwise, it will be stressed, fraught with the deposition of fat reserves. The best mode – a fractional meal. Eat small portions of food, 5-6 times a day.

The last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. You should not try to lose weight by refusing to eat after 6 p.m. The body will not like it, and it will start to put away reserves. In addition, it also needs energy at night, which is spent on breathing and recovery.

Preference should be given to healthy polyunsaturated fats, which are contained in fatty fish, unrefined vegetable oils, avocados and nuts. They normalize blood cholesterol levels, increase immunity, improve brain functioning, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and are necessary for the proper functioning of the lungs.

To stay healthy and youthful, you need to drink enough clean drinking water. The average rate is 2 liters per day. But it is better to be guided by the feeling of thirst. The main thing is not to confuse it with hunger.

It is necessary to learn how to combine products correctly. Components in different foods can both enhance each other’s health benefits and reduce them.

The most valuable sources of protein are meat, fish, dairy and fermented dairy products, and legumes. The diet should include protein foods of both plant and animal origin.

Carbohydrates can be simple or complex. The first should be consumed in minimal quantities. These are simple sugars, confectionery and flour products. The latter are the main source of energy and should constitute about half of the diet. These include wholemeal cereals, fruits, vegetables and durum wheat pasta.


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